My fellow bloggers.... I apologize for disappearing for over two weeks, but medical issues arose and I had to go to the hospital. When one is forced to be in a hospital for two weeks, you realize the beauty in every small detail... the flowers outside in the garden,
the soft blanket on your bed...
the solitude of coffee in the morning during sunrise.
If there is any absolute in life it is that of a new day. A tree's branch that has fallen, will precede the growth of another... the water that has dried on the ground will eventually be filled by rain,
the heart and all its deep red leaves, will grow like fire. {Let's Go Fly a Kite...}
If this is a prayer, then let it be heard- and if it's a poem, let it be shared. But whatever the situation, a new day is always in order... this I know.
I'm glad to be home!
photo by jiurgis via flikr