Friday, May 23, 2014


Right now I am treading in strange water... trying to find my breath. Which way is up? I normally know this.  Sorrow today is in all capital letters and the weight of living is almost too much to bear.

I hope I can find my way out, or through...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


The world is still today, and inside are fantasies of giant friends and homemade art projects. Random. Eccentric... childlike wonder.

message to bears cover photo artworks-000033918609-xa46ic-crop_zpsdcea0cc5.jpg

andrea fleischer photo minimalismphotographycolorconceptualminimaltexture-51019272df000bfca3cd2a23107498b4_h_zpsa1302feb.jpg

 photo photograph-7cf940c70c986f7239a1381cc4bed0f1_h_zps8acae320.jpg 

Images top to bottom: Message to Bears cover, Berries: Andrea Fleischer, The Beasts Upon us: Unknown author